BBC CIN Social Action Project
BBC Children In Need PROJECT
Project Aim:
To empower Black Children and Young people to deliver a social action project in the community.
Start Date: 25/10/22 to May 2024 (all report)
Aims of BBC CIN social action project:
Reach Black Children and Young People to empower them to create change of issues that matter to them.
Achieve positive outcome for Black Children and Young People through Social Action Project.
Social Action, what it means
Activities that Young People do to make a positive difference to their lives and their environment.
Use your voice to tackle subjects that matter to you.
Find solution to issues you and our community face.
Development Phase (DP).
It’s for a period of 6 months, agreed with Funding Manager to finish by end of June 2023.
Things achieved at the end of DP
Recruited more young people
Organised an Away Day training for team building (April Holiday)
Conducted more consultation on Cedars Open Park
Visited Cedars Open Park to identify areas that need change
Met with, 3 Ward Councillors, Chair of Park User Group, Manager and Team Leader for Parks.
Understand proposed social action.
Completed project plan
Progress of Social Action Project
Young people visited Headstone Manor Park, renovated nearby park for improvement ideas
Grant Manager paid a visit to the Cedars park and had a meeting with the young people
Youth leaders training on leadership
What we agreed to change: Agreed with Team Leader, Parks and Open spaces
New Signage to replace graffitied Exit and Entry signs
Replace broken benches and add additional table benches
Replace old bins with modern bin
Replace old rusty Basketball rings, back board, and introduce new court markings
Repaint children play areas
Tidy and makeover outdoor Gym area
Cut down overgrown grass in the park
Remove broken branches
Sam Botchey – CEO & Project Lead
Marilyn Frimpong - Chair Lady
Eva Biney- Botchey – Treasurer
Samuel Akwafo – Accountant
Abigail Addy – Youth Organizer / Secretary
Youth leaders
Joel Avegi-Laryea, Cathrine Payne and Amariss Cornwell
Intergenerational IT learning
This project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. We offer IT training to our elderly who have less knowledge in using their smart devices to navigate simple sites on websites. For example to gain simple digital knowledge to complete benefits applications, book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions, and even shop online.
This training is delivered by an IT tutor with each adult paired with young person to support their learning. It has been very successful with the young. buddies. They have gained confidence and satisfaction in helping the adults in the community.
Youth Volunteering
HYCA youth have made positive contribution in our community. They have supported and volunteered in the following campaigns and awareness.
Distributing Covid-19 awareness, cancer screening, winter wellness, vaccinations, and other health and wellbeing flyers.
Supporting health walks
Assisting Winter and HYCA Social Inclusion Hubs
Supporting the delivery of HYCA and Family and Friends events
Helping the younger children during their leisure and fun activities
Young Harrow Foundation - Change Makers Project
The project::
Anti-Bullying workshops (11% are bullied, highest in KS2 and 23% of SEN also bullied, from Change Makers summary sheet 2023)
We are using professionals to deliver 3 interactive bullying workshops, once a month. This will include play acting, sharing of experiences, either being bullied, bullied or witnessed bullying.
We will discuss how bullying affect people emotionally and how eradicate bullying. This includes Cyber bullying and how to report
Mental Health awareness workshops
We are organising 3 workshops one each month for 3 months. 1st Workshop will be on what is mental health, who has mental health, what can cause mental health and who to see for help.
2nd Workshop will be designing Mental Health awareness leaflets. This will be designed by the young people.
3rd Workshop will be an outreach session where leaflets will be distributed at youth centres, on the high street, places of worship, and some online distribution.
The message will be about being open to talk, when there is a feeling of anxiety, nervousness, depression.
​Healthy Eating sessions
We will organise 2 healthy eating sessions. 1st session will be how to develop recipes using low cost but healthy ingredients. We would invite adults to join this session.
2nd session will be cooking lessons using our developed recipes.
These sessions will be facilitated by one dietician and a volunteer to include discussions on stigmas about getting help from food banks, children refusing food vouchers for fear of being ridiculed by friends and promoting Help Harrow services.
Youth Volunteering:
This will be ongoing and “as and when”. Our young people are delivering BBC Children in Need Youth Social Action Project, we will recruit more young people to volunteer on this project. This will enhance the self-esteem of the youth volunteers, make them feel happy and give them a sense of achievement.
Youth Mentoring and Leisure Activities
We primarily work with ethnic minority children and young people up to the age of 30.
We organise programmes of physical, educational, volunteering, and social action projects and activities for them.
Our engagements and activities help develop their skills, capacities, and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.
We provide recreational and leisure time activity during school holidays and most weekends to ensure they don’t get involved in risky behaviours, for example, joining gangs, and being involved in drugs.
As well as organising social and fun activities, we engage them in mentoring and peer to peer training projects. The projects will ensure they are resilient, skilled, and equipped and focused to make positive contribution in society.